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Alumni - Bapuji Dental College



Dr. Shamanur Shivashankarappa Hon. Secretary
Bapuji Educational Association

Sri S. S Mallikarjun Hon. Joint Secretary
Bapuji Educational Association

President's Message


It is a pride privilege for every alumnus of this great institution which has given birth to excellent academicians, dedicated clinicians, renowned entrepreneurs, committed research scientists, versatile faculty and empowered dental education globally under the able leadership of various esteemed stalwarts of dentistry with highest administrative skills and extraordinary teachers who are moulding the character of our students. Each year, as we welcome new students to BDCH we are reminded of the great legacy left behind by our wonderful alumni. The Alumni Association will continue its mission to raise awareness, to grow its membership base, to assist with development of community based opportunities, and to promote exciting activities and events for alumni in the area and beyond. I request every alumnus to be the part of your Alma Mater and to serve for the betterment of association and further development activities in campus.

Hon.Secretary's Message


As Secretary of the Bapuji Dental College Alumni Association, I consider it an honour to welcome you all to this alumni portal. It is indeed my earnest desire to bring the our alumni closer through this medium, and I truly believe this will reconnect all of us. We are the foremost brand ambassadors and can play a vital role in the development of our Alma mater with our ideas and suggestions. We wish to nurture a rich culture among the alumni which leads to building a strong and connected alumni network in our field of dental education and services.  We have many initiatives planned for the coming years and many innovative projects in the offing to increase member benefits and interaction and promote student welfare. I on behalf of the Alumni Association also take this opportunity to call upon our all alumni wherever they are to partner with us and lend us your co-operation and assistance to deliver on this challenge and make this vision of a vibrant and happening Alumni Association a reality.



5th E.C. Meeting Notice
AGM Notice

Motto Of Beauideal

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Contact info

DR. H. S. Shashidhara 

Hon. Secretary, BEAUIDEAL
Professor Dept. of Prosthodontics
College of Dental Sciences